Dortmund International
Research Conference
More events you can find below.
Conference Information
The conference provides a unique opportunity for Master students, PhD students, and lecturers to get together, exchange ideas and insights from their current studies and research work, present their work in plenary sessions, learn from each other and participate in lively discussions during our social events. The concept provides young researchers with a welcoming platform where they can actively participate in scientific discourse on a diverse range of topics.
We invite researchers, lecturers, Master and PhD students to submit papers exploring scientific findings, practical reports, and educational topics. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to any other journal or conference. The recommended volume is 4 to 8 pages (in English only).
Students, especially Master and PhD students, are also invited to present posters and demonstrations relating to their work. Each poster should be presented as an abstract, maximum two pages in length, including the title, author names, emails, keywords, and the abstract itself. Practical demonstrations and prototypes are also welcome. All posters must be original and not simultaneously submitted to any other journal or conference.
The conference is open free of charge to all students, researchers, partners, and everyone who is interning to share this experience with us.
Registration for ordinary attendance (without presenting a paper) will be announced later. Send an email to to sign up for the mailing list for regular updates and to be notified once registration is open.
Some limited funding is available for students and researchers at partner universities to enable them to come to Dortmund and present at the conference. Contact the organisers for further information.
People who attended in previous years had plenty of positive things to say:
“Supportive and collaborative atmosphere providing great space to discuss research efforts, supported by both informal social events and more formal sessions.”
“One of the strengths is that people keep coming back, so you meet people again and you get to know them, you get familiar with them, so the level of work that you can do afterward with them or even if you meet them online, makes it a much easier conversation and collaboration.”
“The IRC Conference is a good combination of industry and academia, it is always worthwhile.”
- Dortmund International Research Conference 2022 (Dortmund IRC 2022)
- Dortmund International Research Conference 2021 (Dortmund IRC 2021)
- Dortmund International Research Conference 2020 (Dortmund IRC 2020)
- Dortmund International Research Conference 2019 (Dortmund IRC 2019)
- Dortmund International Research Conference 2018 (Dortmund IRC 2018)
- Dortmund International Research Conference 2017 (Dortmund IRC 2017)
- Dortmund International Research Conference 2016 (Dortmund IRC 2016)
- Dortmund International Research Conference 2015 (Dortmund IRC 2015)